The Role of a Security Guard

A Security Guard is an alert, vigilant, and diligent public face at DOI locations. They must be able to respond quickly and appropriately to security or safety emergencies.

Security Guard

They may patrol the premises, check credentials and/or escort people into buildings or their vehicles in parking lots. They must also be able to de-escalate conflicts and notify law enforcement or other emergency services as needed. Visit Website to learn more.

Many computer networks are protected by firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and vulnerability scanners. These can effectively thwart intrusion attempts by amateur attackers and so-called script kiddies, but the real nightmare for security administrators comes from more experienced hackers who can circumvent basic controls and detections through multistep attacks. These attacks involve a series of attack steps that prepare for each other, such as gaining privileges on a number of intermediate hosts, before the attacker can reach their ultimate goal. Unfortunately, most existing security tools are designed to cope with individual incidents of attacks or to identify vulnerabilities on a host. These tools typically do not report on correlated attacks and are unaware of the relationships between attacks, making it difficult for administrators to detect them.

Traditionally, most detection technologies have been based on signatures or heuristics that try to recognize malicious files or programs by their features or characteristics. However, signatures have limitations because attackers change their attack methods or programs constantly to avoid detection. Heuristics, on the other hand, focus on behavior and try to identify a pattern of behaviors that is characteristic of malware. However, this can result in false positives, and these detection technologies are also vulnerable to evasion techniques such as obfuscation.

Modern detection tools are able to improve their performance by learning over time and recognizing normal traffic patterns. For example, if a certain mail carrier regularly delivers letters to your door at 5:15 PM every day, your security system will stop sounding the alarm after it recognizes this behavior as normal and no longer considers it an unusual or suspicious event. This is called machine learning and can be used to improve the accuracy of your security tools. The Xcitium Detection and Response tool, for instance, uses this technique to reduce the number of false alerts generated by IDSs and other security products.


Security guards are a visible deterrent that shows a business takes its security seriously. The presence of uniformed guards in patrol vehicles, on foot or in a stationary position, sends the message that crime against property, employees and customers is not tolerated. In addition, armed security guards provide an extra level of safety to protect against dangerous crimes.

Security personnel are trained to carefully observe their surroundings, including observing suspicious behavior that many people might miss. They are also aware of key information that could help to identify suspects, such as license plate numbers, descriptions of vehicles and their drivers and a history of criminal activity. In addition, they are able to communicate with law enforcement in an emergency, as well as act as eyewitnesses to help solve any unfortunate situations that may occur.

While it’s impossible to stop all security breaches and incidents, a comprehensive security strategy can make the crime itself seem too risky to commit. This may include security patrols, remote monitoring, CCTV, audible alarm systems, intercoms, perimeter fencing and prominently displayed signage.

Guards are trained to respond to emergencies and handle them quickly and efficiently. They are proficient in deploying de-escalation techniques, negotiation skills and assertive yet non-confrontational communication to address threats and conflicts. They are also trained to report any security breaches or incidents to proper authorities.

Lastly, a security guard can serve as an impartial third party in the event of a dispute between two parties. This prevents the issue from becoming a “he said/she said” police investigation and ensures the correct information is presented to the authorities.

As a business owner, it’s essential to find ways to improve morale and reduce turnover in your security staff. Guards are more likely to stay happy when they feel empowered to make their own choices, which is why flexibility in employee scheduling is such a valuable tool. Celayix’s staff schedulers allow guards to choose their shifts through self-scheduling or shift bidding, which increases morale and reduces absenteeism and no-show rates. In addition, instant communication allows security guards to instantly change their schedule in times of need, if necessary.


Security guards, or PSOs as they are known in the industry, are a vital part of any business or commercial property. They are armed to deter crime and patrol the premises to prevent theft or other mischief.

They are also trained to respond to situations and take control until public authorities arrive at the scene. In some jurisdictions, they are permitted full arrest powers. For example, a private security officer at the University of Pennsylvania could call police on students for sleeping in their dorms or loitering around the campus.

The security services industry employs more than 850,000 people worldwide. It includes companies that provide manned security, mobile patrols and other security-related services. It also includes firms that offer security systems, background screening, investigation and risk management services.

Many PSOs are members of a union. The largest union in the United States is the Security, Fire, and Police Services Employees International Union, or SFPEIU, which has 80,000 members. Other large unions include the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), Local 333 and the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE).

There is often little relationship between duties performed and compensation, for instance some mall “security officers” may earn less per hour than industrial security guards who carry greater responsibilities. This explains why some security guards prefer to call themselves “protection officers” or “security experts” rather than simply “guards.”

A shortage of licensed security guards during the pandemic has led many firms to hire temps and lower their hiring standards. A national security company in New Mexico recently offered $900 signing bonuses to people with state-issued licenses, while a local firm in Norfolk began recruiting students at the University of Virginia who were willing to work as guards.

As the economy has improved, companies have begun to hire more full-time employees. However, the turnover rate in the industry remains high. It can cost a firm a lot of money to train new guards. Amitay has been working with lawmakers in several states in hopes of revamping regulations to speed up the process. In addition, he wants to explore an effort to expand so-called good Samaritan laws for security guards to provide medical or other assistance in life-saving situations.


Security guards, who are sometimes referred to as “rent-a-cops” or “mall cops” after the 1987 movie Paul Blart: Mall Cop, patrol and monitor buildings and private property, and may operate X-ray and metal detector equipment. They are generally uniformed and governed by legal regulations that establish eligibility (such as a criminal record check) and the permitted authorities of the security guard in a given jurisdiction.

Armed security guards are commonly employed in the protection of sensitive sites such as government and military installations, armored money transports, casinos, banks and other financial institutions, nuclear power plants and schools. They are also increasingly being used for vehicle patrols and on sites that do not require a high level of protection, such as retail stores, shopping malls and airports.

A growing trend is for wealthy individuals and businesses to use private security services in place of publicly paid police departments. This is often accomplished by forming private, exclusive associations that pay for premium security services. The trend is especially pronounced in the United States, where gated communities with their own police forces are gaining popularity.

While the demand for security services has increased, there is a shortage of trained security guards to fill these roles. The lack of qualified candidates has forced many security companies to increase the hourly wages they pay, or invest in new technologies in order to compensate for their loss of manpower. In either case, the ultimate losers are you, the consumer.

The shortage has also led to an increase in competition between security firms, which can drive down prices. It is important for consumers to shop around, but it is equally important that the security firm you choose has the training and experience to meet your needs at a competitive price.

As with all occupations, security guards are protected by laws governing minimum wage and overtime. In addition, the employer cannot bear the cost of the security guard’s uniform or other tools of the trade if doing so would reduce hisher paycheck below the applicable minimum wage or would cut into overtime wages earned. This rule applies whether the employee pays for the uniform directly or has it purchased for him by the employer.